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Patties from Sweet potato with Green peas Ragda – Indian Street Food

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Ragda patties are a popular Indian fast food or Snack/Chaat which is a delightful experience to taste buds in every bite. Usually ragda patties chaat is made with thick ragda gravy and potato patties but here I used sweet potato instead of potato.

In this dish there’s sweet, spicy, sour and salty. And not to forget there’s creamy, crispy, crunchy and crumbly. The final result is lush genius on a plate.

Yields-3-4 servings
Preparation time- 30 mins (For both Ragda and Patties)
Soaking time – 6 to 8 hrs (For peas)
Cooking time- 35 – 40 minutes (For both Ragda and Patties)

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