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Zero oil – Peas and bell peppers in Ridge Gourd Gravy

Ridge gourd gravy


Have you tried blending bottle gourd in north indian gravies?-Here in this gravy bell peppers and peas are cooked in ridge gourd gravy. Usually north indian gravies are blend of tomato-onion, cashew , ginger -garlic with whole garam masala but here I have used ridge gourd along with onion and tomato and replaced cashew with almonds.

This gravy is lightly spiced with no any added oil however the spices can be personalised as per the taste.

Health benefits:

As with other types of gourds, the ridge gourd is low in fat and calories, making it a good choice for including in a well-balaned diet for weight loss. Ridge gourd is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, high in dietary fibre and vitamin C. It has blood-purifying properties. It has high beta crotene that is good for eyes. It is used in skin care treatment against eczema and psoriasis

Yields-3-4 servings
Preparation time-15-20 minutes
Cooking time-25 minutes

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