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Raw Cucumber seeds yogurt soup

Raw cucumber Soup


This recipe is from my friend Nilima Rao, who is upcoming singer. Thank you dear for such a lovely and refreshing recipe just modified it to make a soup recipe using regular cucumber.

This is perfect for summer with a cool, refreshing and soothing soup with combination of yogurt, mint and ginger.

Health benefits:

Cucumber seeds are slightly diuretic, which helps promote urine flow and stimulates the kidneys to flush wastes and fatty deposits from the body. Diuretics can act to dehydrate the body, but cucumbers’ high moisture content makes this of no concern.

Cucumber seeds are also used holistically to treat tapeworm infestations and are reputed to have a regenerative effect on the skin.

So enjoy this soothing soup with bread

Yields: 2-3 servings
Preparation time: 15 minutes

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