Fruit and nuts yogurt salad/raita/dip

Fruit and nut salad


The simplicity of fresh fruit, dry nuts with plain yogurt makes so refreshing on a hot summer day. More than the salad this can be a great accompaniment and this makes a great snack that you can dig in whenever you crave for some healthy dessert.

Serving nuts with yogurt and fruits adds fat to your diet to help you feel satisfied. Nuts contain healthy unsaturated fat as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which fight cardiovascular disease. Eating nuts also helps with weight management and combats type 2 diabetes. Walnuts are a particularly rich source of omega-3 fatty acids while almonds provide fiber

Yields: 3-4servings
Preparation time: 10-15minutes


  • Beaten greek yogurt-1cup
  • Chopped Mixed fresh fruit of your choice-1cup
  • Roasted and sliced mixed nuts of your choice-2tbsp
  • Red chilli powder-1/4tsp
  • Roasted cumin powder-1/4tsp
  • Roasted and ground flaxseed-1tbsp
  • Black salt/rock salt-1/4tsp
  • Dates syrup/honey-1/2tsp
  • (I used banana, apple, pear, pineapple, peaches, kiwi fruits
  • (Pistachio, almonds, walnuts, for nuts)


  • Combine beaten yogurt, black salt, cumin powder, chilli powder, dates syrup/honey in a bowl.
  • Add fruits and nuts mix well, refrigerate and serve chill.


  • Black salt can be replaced with table salt.

About Chitra Jagadish

My passion for Cooking & love to explore healthy recipes. This blog is a result from it and am here to share 'Recipes for Healthy living'...Its all about 'FOOD and HEALTH'

Posted on August 17, 2014, in Dips, Dips, Indian, International, Soups, Salad and Wraps and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Traditionally Modern Food

    Fruit and nut dip s awesome:-)


  2. I would have to be feeling VERY DARING to put chilli, cumin, flaxseed and salt with fruit, yoghourt and nuts … I shall test mysef when the fruit is more in season, though … 🙂


  3. It looks yummy and also it’s such a healthy combination of ingredients!


  4. Reblogged this on Chef Ceaser.


  5. The yogurt is also very good for you, with all of its healthy microbes. I’m going to try roasting and grinding my flax seeds like you suggest here. They are impossible to grind raw. I hadn’t thought of roasting them first. That should do the trick. Thanks for the ideas.


  6. This is my kind of dessert ❤ nomnom!
    Nice blog, I'm following ^^


  7. Yum Chitra, healthful and delicious. I love yogurt, fruit and nuts.


  8. This looks very fresh. I would love to have it any time of the day!


  9. Looks like such a healthy and yummy treat Chitra 🙂


  10. This one is like icing on the cake .. so many lovely recipes and then to have all of those with this fruit and nut dip yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy heavennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


  11. Oh Darling Chitra, This yogurt dish brings so many fond memories. As you may know, we/Iranians make many yogurt side-dishes too, and one just like this one, except traditionally we don’t use using seasoning other than salt and pepper. I love the Indian yogurt dishes because of the using spices such as cumin. Yum! Beautifully presented. 😛


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