Non-alcoholic Pineapple Pina colada – Vegan (2 Ingredients)

Pina Colada1


The pina-colada is a cocktail made with rum, cream of coconut and pineapple. Here I have replaced cream of coconut with fresh coconut water and used fresh pineapple. It can be personalised as per the taste.

This is a delightfully refreshing summer drink delicious way to hydrate; Coconut water prevents dehydration.

Health Benefits:

Coconut water naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet, nutty taste. It contains easily digested carbohydrate in the form of sugar and electrolyte. Low in calories, naturally fat- and cholestrol free and super hydrating – these are just a few of the many benefits ascribed to America’s latest health craze: coconut water.

Serves: 2
Preparation time: 5mins


  • Coconut water-2cups
  • Fresh Pineapple chunks-1/2cup
  • Blue food colour (optional)


  • Blend pineapple chunks until smooth.

Pina Colada3

  • Then add coconut water, colour and whizz until combined
  • Strain into a glass filled ice, garnish with pineapple and serve.

Pina Colada2


  • Coconut water preferably fresh or if not handy canned can be used
  • You can even replace pineapple chunks with pineapple juice
  • Blue colour used adds refreshing look to the drink, which is completely optional
  • Coconut bits are visible in the drink can be blended if required

This recipe is submitted to Virtual Vegan Linky Potluck #4

About Chitra Jagadish

My passion for Cooking & love to explore healthy recipes. This blog is a result from it and am here to share 'Recipes for Healthy living'...Its all about 'FOOD and HEALTH'

Posted on July 22, 2014, in Juices/Beverages, Vegan and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. Ummey @notbikiniready

    it looks so refreshing!


  2. Awesome blue 🙂


  3. I think summer is killing you 🙂 So good


  4. Love the colour! It looks very pretty and refreshing 🙂


  5. Traditionally Modern Food

    Good to see non alcoholic version:-) thanks for the recipe Chitra. Like the blue color


  6. True blue..what a refreshing drink on a hot summer afternoon. ..


  7. Love it.. when we went to Hawaii they had kids version of pinacolda without rum 🙂


  8. Delightful! I made it just now & love it, without the blue color though! 😉


  9. I love this combo! I don’t like drinking alcohol so I’m all for virgin drinks 🙂


  10. This looks totally amazing!!!!


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