Patties from Sweet potato with Green peas Ragda – Indian Street Food

Ragda patties4


Ragda patties are a popular Indian fast food or Snack/Chaat which is a delightful experience to taste buds in every bite. Usually ragda patties chaat is made with thick ragda gravy and potato patties but here I used sweet potato instead of potato.

In this dish there’s sweet, spicy, sour and salty. And not to forget there’s creamy, crispy, crunchy and crumbly. The final result is lush genius on a plate.

Yields-3-4 servings
Preparation time- 30 mins (For both Ragda and Patties)
Soaking time – 6 to 8 hrs (For peas)
Cooking time- 35 – 40 minutes (For both Ragda and Patties)


For Ragda:

  • Dried green peas-1cup (white peas can be used)
  • Minced Garlic cloves-3
  • Crushed green chillies-1tsp
  • Tamarind pulp-1tbsp
  • Red chilli powder-1tsp
  • Coriander powder-1tsp
  • Turmeric-1/4tsp
  • Cumin seeds-1/2tsp
  • Asafoetida/hing-1/4tsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • (I mixed 2tbsp honey after cooking ragda instead of jaggery)

For Patties:

  • Sweet potato-4medium (preferably low in sweet)
  • Corn flour/starch-3-4tbsp
  • Bread crumbs-3tbsp
  • Chilli powder-1/2tsp (optional)
  • Salt- to taste
  • Oil- for shallow frying


For Ragda:

  • Wash and soak dried peas overnight or for 6-8 hours in enough water.
  • After soaking time drain water from peas and cook in the pressure cooker with 3 cups of water, 1/2 tsp salt for 3-4 whistles over medium flame or until peas turn soft.
  • Once cooked allow the steam to escape before opening the lid.
  • Heat oil in the pan or kadai over medium flame add cumin seeds, when it splutters add asafoetida, minced garlic, crushed green chillies and saute for a minute.
  • Add cooked peas along with water and mix well.
  • Add tamarind pulp, dry spices (coriander powder, turmeric, red chilli powder) mix well and cook on a medium flame and bring it to a boil.
  • Then using back of your spoon/spatula mash few peas and check consistency and seasoning-the ragda should not be too thick nor too thin.
  • Simmer for 4-5minutes more and then turn off the flame.

For Patties:

  • Wash the sweet potatoes and then boil, peal and mash it.
  • Add cornflour, salt, chilli powder, bread crumbs knead to a soft dough (if it is too soft and mushy can include extra crumbs)
  • Divide into equal portions and give each portion a round shape of ball, press them between your palms and mae 1/2inch thick flat round shaped patty.
  • Shallow fry 3 – 4 patties on a tawa at a time or non-stick pan with little amount of oil golden brown on bottom side.
  • Flip upside down and cook another side over medium flame until golden.
  • Transfer to a plate having absorbent paper spread on it.

Ragda patties2

For serving:

  • Place 2 patties on a plate and pour ragda over.
  • Home made Sweet chutney (Recipe link) (use only if required)
  • Mint-amla chutney- (link)
  • Finely Chopped onion-1medium
  • Finely chopped tomatoes-1medium
  • Chopped cilantro-a handful
  • Fine sev-to sprinkle
  • Lemon juice-to taste
  • Chilli powder, cumin powder, chaat masala- to taste

Ragda patties3

Serve with home made:

Dates Tamrind Chutney:

Dates Tamrind Dip

Mint Chutney:

Mint sauce final


  • I used sweet potato which was very low in sweet so if your sweet potatoes are sweet then skip sweet chutney.
  • Grated mango can also be used for tanginess alternatively to lemon juice.
  • Ragdas are usually made using white peas and have substituted with green peas.
  • Spices can be manipulated as per the taste.
  • Frozen peas can also be used but it might become more mushy than the dried ones.

About Chitra Jagadish

My passion for Cooking & love to explore healthy recipes. This blog is a result from it and am here to share 'Recipes for Healthy living'...Its all about 'FOOD and HEALTH'

Posted on November 9, 2014, in Indian, Starters and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Such a healthy version 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those patties sound wonderful. I’ve had chaat made from white potatoes, never sweet potato. I think it sounds delicious.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on MrMilitantNegro™.


  4. sweet potato patties are an awesome and healthier version in this yummy dish!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Bankjet.


  6. Reblogged this on Chef Ceaser.


  7. Reblogged this on Chitra's Healthy Kitchen and commented:

    Indian street food made with Sweet potatoes. Patties are crispy by itself. Make it a Chaat with tangy and spicy dips..


  8. Hi Chitra! This looks wonderful and thanks a lot for the interesting recipe.. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Please do check it out at
    Thanks a lot! Take care 🙂


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