2 in 1 Garlic Kulcha – Yeast free



This yummy dish gets a fresh twist with a unique topping. Pizza and flatbreads are in constant dinner rotation but today I felt like trying something apart from pizza so tried this kulchas topped with potato, tomatoes, spinach without any cheese. This flatbread/ kulchas recipe is a twist on my pizza dough, however I tried to avoid yeast and added a splash of yogurt, baking sods and garlic-infused olive oil.

Yields-8-10 Preparation time-15 minutes
Resting time-1 hour
Cooking time-25-30 minutes (3-4 minutes/kulchas)

  • Whole wheat flour-2cups
  • Baking powder-1/2tsp
  • Baking soda-1/2tsp
  • Salt-1tsp
  • Natural yogurt/curd-1/2cup
  • Olive oil-2tbsp

For garlic topping:

  • Garlic-4-5cloves
  • Kalonji-2tbsp
  • Parsley- 1/4cup (can substitute with cilantro/coriander)
  • Olive oil-2tbsp +1tbsp
  • Sliced Potato-2medium
  • Spinach leaves-1cup
  • Sun-dried tomatoes- as required (alternatively fresh tomatoes can be used)


  • In a mixing bowl, combine wheat flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda mix well.
  • Add in yogurt, oil, water and mix well until it comes together into a dough.
  • Place the mixture on a lightly floured surface and knead well for few minutes.
  • And now place in a greased bowl wrap it with cling film and let it sit for 1-2hours.
  • Meanwhile prepare the topping.

For Kulchas:

  • After resting time- divide to 8-10 equal portions.
  • Take one portion and sprinkle some nigella seeds, dust some dry flour and start rolling into small sized kulchas.
  • Heat a griddle or tava and place the rolled kulchas on the tava.
  • Cook one side partly, flip and spread the garlic-parsley mixture on the partially cooked surface, flip again and cook the garlic coated surface for few seconds.
  • Once both the sides are cooked, before taking off top it with sauted potato slices, tomatoes and spinach,
  • Repeat with the rest of the dough and topping.

Serve hot as bread or with chickpeas in tomato walnut gravy.

Channa Masala final

For topping:

  • Now place garlic, parsley (coriander), olive oil in a food processor and pulse until crushed.
  • Now add sliced potato, drizzle some olive oil and saute until tender (add in tomatoes and saute if using fresh tomatoes)
  • Now transfer the sauted potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, (or tomatoes if using) to a plate, add fresh chopped spinach to it and set aside.


  • I used potato with the skin and topping can be personalised, I used sun-dried tomatoes for topping, fresh tomatoes can also be used.
  • Topping is optional but requires a gravy to serve with Kulcha

About Chitra Jagadish

My passion for Cooking & love to explore healthy recipes. This blog is a result from it and am here to share 'Recipes for Healthy living'...Its all about 'FOOD and HEALTH'

Posted on March 30, 2015, in Indian, Main dish. Bookmark the permalink. 33 Comments.

  1. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  2. This looks delicious! I have to try it.


  3. Can’t go wrong with pizza or any finger food alright 😉


  4. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    This looks so good! I’m getting hungry just looking at it.


  5. Traditionally Modern Food

    I love kulcha..looks delicious C

    Liked by 1 person

  6. i’ve just had breakfast and now you’ve made me hungry again

    Thank You, Chitra

    for sharing your wonderful food with us

    Big Hugs



  7. The kulchas look delicious, so does the side dish!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Simply superb Chitra!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Chitra, you are the queen of flatbreads and wraps! Your photos and recipes look so good! 🙂


  10. I really this recipe Chitra, I will be trying it for sure, so easy, one question do you leave it set on the counter to rest or in chiller?
    I am thinking these could be made ahead then placed on a grill to warm up and add topping, Kind of giving it a smokey flavor from the grill too…what do you think!! 🙂


  11. Looks so tempting!


  12. Kulchas without yeast !….I must give this a try…..

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Linda Creation

    Woooow dis are so inviting & just incredible darl Chitra ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  14. elmdriveimages

    Great blog! Thanks for the like on Elm Drive Images.


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